articles relating to mind-matter unification
The revolution will not be brought to you by arXiv
’cos arXiv deems revolutionary ideas ‘inappropriate’.
As obstructive as any censor
Cross readers veto cross listing
‘Reader complaints’ win the day.
The revolution won’t find you through arXiv
So go tune in another way.
In regard to the above, arXiv states explicitly: Moderation helps to ensure that arXiv content is relevant to current research, explicitly admitting its lack of openness to new ideas.
More papers can be
accessed via the Home Page.
- some of the older items have not been yet been
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display them. If this happens, you may be able to fix the situation
using the 'helpers' part of the browser preference settings: define a
new helper, entering 'txt' for the suffix and 'text file' for the file
type, and for the processing option select to use the browser itself
(e.g.'Navigator'). Alternatively, open up the saved file with a word
processor or text editor.
- A report on a symposium centred around the question of how
possible it is for science to investigate consciousness: Athens symposium report.
- The paranormal, and other heresies
- Physics and the Mind issues, e.g. is
Quantum Theory all inclusive; subtleties related to complementarity;
where does meaning fit in; what might be behind the parallels between
quantum reality and the world of the mind?
- Futuristic proposals concerned with the possibility of there
being a fundamental connection between music and
the mind.
- papers concerned with cognition and
development, including language
The following is my collection of philosophically oriented papers on,
as generated by the 'philpapers gadget' (note: if your browser is not
displaying the quotes in the abstracts correctly, changing the text
encoding setting to 'unicode' may help):