Electronic structure discussions

The Electronic Structure Discussion Group (ESDG) is an informal meeting of researchers from the Cavendish Laboratory Theory of Condensed Matter (TCM) group and the Cambridge University Centre for Computational Chemistry (CUC3), together with their colleagues from the Earth Sciences (ES), Engineering (Eng) and Materials Science and Metallurgy (MSM) departments at Cambridge University. In 2020 we expanded this group to include many members from outside Cambridge, as we became a virtual lecture series. And then in 2021 the ESDG merged into the Monday Discussion Group of the newly-revitalised Lennard-Jones Centre. This page remains for its historical archive.
ESDG meetings are intended to promote the exchange of ideas between scientists who develop or use techniques such as density functional theory, quantum Monte Carlo, or quantum chemistry methods. Suitable subjects for presentations at ESDG meetings might include the development of novel electronic structure methods with greater accuracy or wider applicability, or the application of such methods to systems of scientific or technological importance, though we do encourage talks on any topic that people think may be of general interest to such an audience.
Each ESDG talk will last approximately 30 minutes. The talk will be research based, typically an overview of a recent or current project. It is encouraged that some emphasis is placed on current difficulties and future directions. The final slide should present on-going tasks and open questions in order to stimulate discussion.
The schedule, along with previous talks, can be found below.
ESDG meetings are typically on Wednesdays at 11:30am virtually on Zoom and the Zoom details will be emailed to the mailing list in advance. To join the mailing list, contact the organisers.
ESDG Talk Schedule and Archive
Research talk | Journal talk | Date |
Michaelmas 2018 | ||
Bartomeu Monserrat | Nick Woods | 3 October |
Gareth Conduit |
Matt Evans | 10 October |
Can Kocer | Joseph Nelson | 17 October |
Pere Alemany | Mark Johnson | 24 October |
Pavao Santak | Karolina Milowska | 31 October |
Fabiana Da Pieve | Angela Harper | 7 November |
Stephanie Mack | --- | 16 November |
Antonis Alvertis | Michael Hutcheon | 21 November |
Danny Bennett | Alice Shipley | 28 November |
Lent 2019 | ||
Gareth Cornish | --- | 23 January |
Andrew Fowler | --- | 30 January |
Joseph Prentice | --- | 6 Febuary |
Mike Entwistle | --- | 13 Febuary |
Bo Peng | --- | 20 Febuary |
Eszter Szekely | --- | 27 Febuary |
Events Archive
January 22
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February 05
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February 12
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February 26
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March 12
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March 19
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May 14
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May 28
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June 11
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- January 30Gabor Csanyi (Engineering)Machine learning for predictive condensed-phase quantum chemistry: clusters, ice and liquid water
- February 13Robert BellCharge transfer in carbon nanotubes?Michael Moeckel (Chem)Nonequilibrium dynamics in the Hubbard model
- February 27Robert Bell (TCM)How can energies be aligned in ab initio electronic transport calculations?
- March 13Bartomeu Monserrat-Sanchez (TCM)Anharmonicity in periodic systems
- May 15Filippo Spiga (HPCS, Cambridge)GPU-accelerated Quantum ESPRESSO: between performance, correctness and sustainability
- May 22Bartomeu Monserrat-Sanchez (TCM)Anharmonic phonon properties: electron-phonon coupling and stressMartin Uhrin (UCL)Exploring the binary Lennard-Jones system with high throughput structure prediction and speeding up time to ground state
- June 05Bartomeu Monserrat-Sanchez (TCM)White dwarf cooling: electron-phonon coupling and the metallization of solid heliumTim Zuehlsdorff (Imperial College)Linear-scaling time-dependent density-functional theory in the linear-response formalism: An implementation in the ONETEP code
- June 26Andrew M. Rappe (University of Pennsylvania)The bulk photovoltaic effect in polar oxides for robust and efficient solar energy harvesting
- July 10Robert Baldock (TCM)Nested sampling for bulk systems
- October 02Jonathan Lloyd-Williams (TCM) The search for the optimal supercellDominik Jochym (Rutherford Appleton Lab)Forces for electronic excited states: An implementation of TD-DFT in CASTEP
- October 16Edgar Engel (TCM)The molecular vacancy in hexagonal ice from a random structure searching point of viewEdward Smith (Imperial College)Linking the continuous and the discrete -- coupling molecular dynamics to continuum fluid mechanics
- October 30Danny Cole (Yale)Towards ab initio optical spectroscopy of a bacterial light-harvesting complexGeorge Booth (Chemistry, Cambridge)Wavefunction expansions in the solid state: New approaches to reach the thermodynamic limit
- November 12Kieron Burke (University of California, Irvine)Failures of density functional theory for strongly correlated systems using density-matrix renormalization group
- November 13Alan Nichol (Eng) Intra- and intermolecular potential energy surfaces derived from ab initio data by machine learningNiccolo Corsini (Imperial)Pressure-induced structural transformations in nanomaterials: a linear-scaling DFT investigation
- November 27Pascal Bugnion (TCM)Pseudopotentials in cold atomsRob Bell (TCM)Momentum-resonant tunnelling in carbon nanotube networks
- December 04Letif Mones (Eng)A new extension of QM/MM methods: the adaptive buffered-force QM/MM method
- January 18Mike Towler (TCM)Perfect parallel scaling for quantum Monte Carlo on hundreds of thousands of coresShane Lawrence (Earth Sciences)Absorption energy decay rates show peptide phosphate bonding structures
- February 01Basil Hiley (Birkbeck College)Weak Measurements: Wigner-Moyal and Bohm in a New Light?
- February 15Mike TowlerA brief discussion about weak measurementsGareth ConduitCold atoms in a spinJames Shepherd (CUC3)Convergence of wave function expansions using a plane wave basis: from the homogeneous electron gas to the solid state
- February 29Daniel Cole (TCM)Ligand discrimination in myoglobin from linear-scaling DFT+UJacqui ColeMaterials discovery: the systematic prediction of new classes of organic non-linear optical materials
- March 14Letif Mones (Engineering)General vs. geometrical reaction coordinates on QM and QM/MM surfacesMatthew Lyle (TCM)New bulk phases of alumina from random searchesMike Gillan (University College, London)Water clusters, ice and liquid: Improving ab initio energetics
- April 17Mike Payne (TCM Group)The end of simulation?
- May 09Pascal Bugnion (TCM)Diffusion Monte Carlo, nodal surfaces and pairing functionsCedric Weber (TCM)Dynamical mean-field theory applied to linear scaling density functional theory
- May 23Greg Lever (TCM)Enzyme catalysis from linear-scaling DFT: application to chorismate mutaseJames Kermode (KCL)Multiscale simulation of brittle fracture in oxides and semiconductors
- May 30Camille Aron (Rutgers)Strongly correlated electrons driven by an electric fieldAlbert Bartok-PartayGaussian Approximation Potentials at work: from silicon to water
- October 24Mike Payne (TCM Group)The challenge of nanotechnologyGareth Conduit (TCM Group)Cold atoms unspun
- November 07Alston Misquitta (Queen Mary)Van der waals interactions in acenes and C60Michiel Sprik (Chemistry)Redox active species in liquid water compared to charged defects in solid oxides
- November 21Mike Towler (TCM Group)Some ideas about QMC and molecular dynamicsThomas Stecher (Engineering)Bayesian reconstruction of free energy profiles from umbrella samples
- December 05Pascal Bugnion (TCM Group)Quantum chemistry and cold atoms: insights into magnetismPablo Lopez Rios (TCM Group)Orbital dependent backflow transformations
- January 19Robert Lee (TCM)Oddities of QMC with the 1D electron gasGareth Griffiths (TCM)The crystal structure of ammonia dihydrate IIPriyanka Seth (TCM)Quantum Monte Carlo study of the first row atoms & ions.
- February 02James Shepherd (CUC3)A Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo Study of the Uniform Electron GasMikhail Kibalchenko (TCM)Structural composition of GeSe_2 and GeSe_4 glasses
- February 16Jacqui Cole (Structure and Dynamics)Distinction of disorder, classical and quantum vibrational contributions to atomic mean-square amplitudes in dielectric pentachloronitrobenzeneAnthony Phillips (Structure & Dynamics)Guest desorption and rearrangement in a metal-cyanide framework
- March 02Andrew Morris (UCL, UK)Materials Design using Ab Initio Random Structure Searching
- March 16G.J. Conduit (Weizmann Institute of Science)An ab initio study of the Little-Parks effectD.J. Cole (TCM)Free Energy Calculations with ONETEP: the pKa of phenol
- May 11Cedric Weber (TCM)Computational Studies of Realistic Multiband Models of the Copper OxidesDr Shane Lawrence (Earth Sciences)The equilibrium of energy levels in phosphorous linkages
- May 25Jacqui Cole (Structure and Dynamics)Distinction of disorder, classical and quantum vibrational contributions to atomic mean-square amplitudes in dielectric pentachloronitrobenzene
- June 08Alston Misquitta (TCM)Title to be confirmed
- January 13Emilio Artacho (Earth Sciences)Textures of the polarisation field in ferroelectric nanowiresMike Towler (TCM)Exchange, antisymmetry, and Pauli repulsion
- January 27Mike Payne (TCM)Open Innovation - the future of scientific software engineering?Neil Drummond (TCM)First-principles study of a positron immersed in an electron gas
- February 10Hatem Helal (TCM)Multigrid method for density functional theoryMike Towler (TCM)Dynamical relaxation to quantum equilibrium
- February 24Gabor Csanyi (Engineering)Matching models across length scalesAlston Misquitta (TCM)Anomalous dispersion interactions between semiconducting wires
- March 10Martin Korth (TCM)DFT trial wave functions for molecular QMC calculationsDanny Cole (TCM)Protein binding affinities from first principles
- April 21Duck Young Kim (TCM)Pressure-induced metallisation / superconductivity of hydrogen-dominant materialsAndrew Morris (UCL)Optimising stoichiometries using ab initio random structure searching
- May 05Mark Robinson (TCM)Dynamical effects in ab initio NMR calculationsRoger Haydock (TCM / Oregon)Non-Hamiltonian quantum mechanics: some simple ideasAli Alavi (CUC3)QMC in Slater determinant space
- May 19Anthony Phillips (TCM/SMF)DFT mapping of the reaction cavity in photolinkage isomerism complexesLydia Nemec (TCM / Regensburg)Lattice dynamics of mercury (II) iodide
- June 02Mikhail Kibalchenko (TCM)Structural assignments of NMR chemical shifts in Ge_xSe_(1-x) glasses through first-principles calculations for GeSe_2, Ge_4Se_9, and GeSe crystalsPablo Lopez Rios (TCM)VMC sampling efficiency
- June 16Mikhail Kibalchenko (TCM)Distinguishing weak hydrogen bonding with NMRRobert Lee (TCM)Statistical errors and application to QMC
- October 06Gihan Weerasinghe (TCM)High Pressure Random Structure Searching on the Fe-C SystemWojciech Szlachta (TCM)Gaussian Approximation Potential for Metals
- October 13Graeme Watson (School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin)Modelling Cu(I) based p-type semiconducting oxides
- October 20William Belfield (TCM)Modelling conformational changes of proteinsShane Lawrence (Earth Sciences)The ionic states of combinatorial phosphorous
- November 03Chris Pickard (UCL)Random search - lessons from model potentialsRichard Needs (TCM)The electride story continued
- November 17Csilla Varnai (Engineering)Adaptive QM/MM simulations for reactions in solutionDavid O'Regan (TCM)Accelerating linear-scaling DFT: Differential geometry meets electronic structure theory
- December 01Fedor Naumkin (Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology)Trapping, linking and encapsulating molecules in metal-based complexes and cluster cages. Louis Lee (TCM)Molecular Doping of Graphene
- January 14Mike Payne (TCM)Coming soon to the HPCS...Norbert Nemec (TCM)All-electron quantum Monte Carlo using Slater-type orbitals
- January 28Alston Misquitta (TCM)Intermolecular interactions using perturbation theory
- February 11Emilio Artacho (Earth Sciences)Liquid argon from first principles, a suicidal choice of projectFelipe Cervantes Sodi (Engineering)Dynamics of solid catalytic particles during carbon nanotube growth
- February 18Phil Hasnip (York)Accelerating large DFT calculations using auxiliary density functionals
- February 25Gabor Csanyi (Engineering)A Gaussian approximation potential for metalsGareth Conduit (TCM)Quantum critical itinerant ferromagnetism
- March 11Danny Cole (TCM)ONETEP-PBSA: Application to G-quadruplex DNA stabilityAndrew Morris (TCM)BEC-BCS crossover in ultracold atoms using quantum Monte Carlo (2 years later...)
- April 22Marialore Sulpizi (CUC3)Surface acidity from first principles: the water-quartz interfaceNeil Drummond (TCM)Quasiparticle effective mass of the two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas
- May 20Mark Robinson (TCM)First-principles study of a quasicrystalline molecular materialAlbert Bartok-Partay (TCM)Bridging the gap: Gaussian Approximation Potential
- June 03Ali Alavi (CUC3)Game of Life in Slater determinant spaceNick Hine (TCM)Bulk diffusion in alumina: solving the corundum conundrum
- June 17Bohshiang Jong (TCM)Localisation tensorNorbert Nemec (TCM)Diffusion Monte Carlo: exponentially inefficient for large systems?
- October 07Martin Dove (Earth Sciences)Understanding anomalous thermal expansion and negative thermal expansionPablo Lopez Rios (TCM)A general backflow transformation
- October 21William Belfield (TCM)Modelling proteins using coarse-grained techniquesRoger Haydock (TCM / Oregon)Some ideas for calculating phase diagrams for interacting electronsRobert Lee (TCM)QMC and the 1D electron gas
- November 04Edmund Kunji (MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit)The transport mechanism of mitochondrial carriers based on an analysis of symmetryRichard Needs (TCM)More random results from structure searching
- November 18Priyanka Seth (TCM)QMC studies of first row atoms and ionsCsilla Varnai (Engineering)An adaptive QM/MM molecular dynamics scheme for reactions in solutionDavid O'Regan (TCM)Self-consistent treatment of local correlation effects in magnetic nanostructures with ONETEP
- December 02Gareth Griffiths (TCM)Post-Cotunnite phase of TeO2Mikhail Kibalchenko (TCM)First-principles NMR study for Ge-O-Ge angle in vitreous GeO2Norbert Nemec (TCM)Error cancellation in atomisation and chemical-reaction energies
- June 18Dr. Jonathan Yates (TCM)Atomic espionage: J-resolved NMR spectroscopy
- July 16Michael Moseler (Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Werkstoffmechanik)Modeling the oxidation of supported clusters in nanocatalysis and nanotribology by density functional theory
- October 08Hatem Helal (TCM)Minimal parameter implicit solvent model for electronic structure calculationsGraham Spink (TCM)A QMC study of the homogeneous electron gasStefano Piscanec (Engineering)Phonon renormalisation and electron-phonon coupling in doped single- and bi-layer graphene
- October 22Danny Cole (TCM)What I did on my summer holidays: graphene-based solution gate FETs as pH sensorsRobert Lee (TCM)QMC calculations on biexcitons in bilayer systemsMark Robinson (TCM)Determining the atomic structure of an amyloid fibril
- November 05Shyong Chen (TCM)Band-resolved analysis of linear and nonlinear optical propertiesPablo Lopez Rios (TCM)A general Jastrow factor
- November 19Gianluca Savini (University of Sussex)Bending modes, elastic constants and mechanical stability of graphitic systemsCsilla Varnai (Engineering)An adaptive QM/MM molecular dynamics scheme for reactions in solutionsDavid O'Regan (TCM)O(N) DFT+U with ONETEP - Towards a linear-scaling ab initio treatment of local correlation effectsMikhail Kibalchenko (TCM)Currents in carbon nanotubes
- December 03Jose Soler (Universidad Autonoma, Madrid)Efficient factorisation of the nonlocal van der Waals density functionalAnthony Phillips (SMF)DFT exploration of photoinduced linkage isomersMikhail Kibalchenko (TCM)Empirical pseudopotentials?
- December 10Matthew Foulkes (Imperial College)Point defects in aluminaVincent Sacksteder (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)Linear scaling algorithms: applicability, accuracy and scalable implementation