Research Highlights
Topological correspondence between magnetic space group representations and subdimensions
New insights into the relation between magnetic space group symmetries and possible topological phases

a) Splitting and ordering of the EBR’s energy levelsinduced by the successive breaking of inversion and nonsym-morphic time reversal symmetries. The split four-dimensional EBR of MSG83.49 (PC4/m), and MSG75.5 (PC4)forz2=0, separates intotwosplit EBRs of MSG75.1 (P4) un-der the combined effect of Dresselhaus-Rashba spin-orbit and Zeeman couplings, giving rise to energy ordered pseudo-spin-polarized Chern bands (C=sign[t2], brown). Pure spincomponents are drawn in red and blue (for MSG83.49), pseudo-spincomponents are drawn in magenta and green for MSG75.1. Under astrong Zeeman splitting, the valence (conduction) subspaces becomefully pseudo-spin-polarized while conserving the Chern characters of the bands. b) Zeeman splitting whenz2=1for the EBR of MSG75.5 (PC4) leading to a symmetry indicatednontrivial even Chern insulator (C=2 mod 4) at half-filling.
In a recent Editor's suggestion, we identify a general class of electronic configurations that in a magnetic background necessarily induce topological structure. The phases additionally feature a correspondence relating antiferromagnetic and ferro/ferrimagnetic realizations. More importantly, we find novel types of magnetic topology upon considering this mechanism in all space groups. These phases are exclusively mapped out in this analysis that takes into account planes and lines in the Brillouin zone, prompting a new notion of subdimensional topology that nonetheless has full 3D physical signatures, such as Fermi arcs.
Topological correspondence between magnetic space group representations and subdimensions Adrien Bouhon, Gunnar F. Lange and Robert-Jan Slager Phys. Rev. B (Editor's suggestion) 103, 245127 (2021).